Academic Publications


Nemer, D. (2022). Technology of the Oppressed: Inequity and the digital mundane in favelas of Brazil. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN: 978-02-6254-334-7

Nemer, D. (2021). Tecnologia do Oprimido: Desigualdade e o mundano digital nas favelas do Brasil. Vitória, Brazil: Editora Milfontes. ISBN: 978-65-86207-88-0

Nemer, D. (2013). Favela Digital – The other side of technology. Vitoria, Brazil: Editora GSA. ISBN: 978-85-8173-059-2

Reviewed in The Information Society, London School of Economics (LSE) Review of Books, and The Journal of Community Informatics.

Edited Journal Issues

Rhinesmith, C., Nemer, D., & Urbano, C. (eds.) (2017). Special Issue: CIRN Conference, 2016. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(2).

Chapters in Edited Books

Nemer, D. (In Progress). Humans acting as Filter Bubble Algorithms. In Sanfilippo & Ocepek. (In Progress). Governing Misinformation in Everyday Knowledge Commons. Oxford University Press.

Nemer, D. (In Progress). Messaging Apps as Sites and Tools of Research. In Rangaswamy & Venkatraman. (In Progress). Qualitative Methods for Digital Social Research – Studies from the Global South. Springer UK.

Nemer, D. (In Press). A informática e suas histórias latino americanas: uma apresentação. In M. Vianna, Perold, & Pereira. (In Press). História(s) de Informática na América Latina. Paco Editorial.

Nemer, D., & Chirumamilla, P. (2019). Living in the Broken City: Infrastructural Inequity, Uncertainty, and the Materiality of the Digital in the Favelas of Brazil. In D. Ribes & J. Vertesi (Eds.), digitalSTS: A Handbook and Fieldguide. Princeton University Press.

digitalSTS: A Handbook and Fieldguide was the winner of the 2020 Olga Amsterdamska Award, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology

Spence, P., Edwards, A., Edwards, C., Nemer, D., & Lachlan, K. (2019). Rage against the machine: Negative reactions and antisocial interactions with robots. In E. Downs (Ed.), The Dark Side of Media and Technology: A 21st century guide to technological literacy. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Nemer, D. (2018). Inclusão até que ponto? As promessas das mídias sociais para os moradores da favela. In Jóvenes, transformación digital y inclusión en América Latina. Penguin Random House.

Nemer, D., & Hakken, D. (2016). Digital Inequalities in Brazil: A Weberian Analysis of Technology Use in the Favelas. In Communication and Information Technologies Annual: Digital Empowerment: Opportunities and Challenges of Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean (pp. 277-297). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Journal Articles

Rosa, P. O., Jobim, A., & Nemer, D. (Submitted). Algorithmic governance, platformization, and the digital turn. Legal Cultures Magazine.

Nemer, D. (2021) Disentangling Brazil’s Disinformation Insurgency, NACLA Report on the Americas, 53(4). DOI: 10.1080/10714839.2021.2000769

Stratton, C., & Nemer, D. (2020). ICTD Research in Latin America: literature review, scholar feedback, and recommendations. Information Technology for Development, 26(4), 692-710.

Lobo, E., de Morais, J. L. B., & Nemer, D. (2020). Algorithmic Democracy: The future of democracy and the fight against digital militias in Brazil / Democracia Algoritmica: O futuro da democracia e o combate às milícias digitais no Brasil. Legal Cultures Magazine, 7(17).

Nemer, D., & Gray, K., (2019). Reproducing hierarchies or resisting domination: exploring the gendering of technology spaces in the favelas. Gender, Technology and Development, 20(1), 76-92.

Dye, M., Nemer, D., Bruckman, A. S., & Kumar, N. (2019). If it Rains, Ask Grandma to Disconnect the Nano: Maintenance & Care in Havana's StreetNet. PACM: Human-Computer Interaction: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).

Awarded The Best of CSCW: Honorable Mention (Top 5%)

Lee, A., Toombs, A., Erickson, I., Nemer, D., Eunkyung, J., Yu-shen, H., Zhuang, G. (2019). The Social Infrastructure of Co-spaces: Home, Work, and Sociable Places for Digital Nomads. PACM: Human-Computer Interaction: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).

Nemer, D., & O'Neill, J. (2019). Rethinking MOOCs: The Promises for Better Education in India. International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD), 11(1), 36-50.

Nemer, D. (2019). Repensando as Desigualdades Digitais: as promessas da Web 2.0 para os Marginalizados. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 15(35).

Nemer, D. (2018). Wired mobile phones: the case of community technology centers in favelas of Brazil. Information Technology for Development, 24(3). 461-481.

Nemer, D. (2018). Going beyond the “T” in “CTC”: Social Practice as Care in Community Technology Centers. Information, 9(6). 135.

Nemer, D. & Tsikerdekis, M. (2017). Political Engagement and ICTs: Internet Use in Marginalized Communities. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 68(6). 1539-1550.

Bentley, C. M., Nemer, D., & Vannini, S. (2017). “When words become unclear”: unmasking ICT through visual methodologies in participatory ICT4D. AI & SOCIETY. (online first)

Vannini, S., Nemer, D., Halabi, A., Sabiescu, A. G., & Salomão, D. (2017). Critical Incident Analysis: mismatching expectations and reconciling visions in intercultural encounters. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(2).

Nemer, D. (2016). Rethinking Social Change: The Promises of Web 2.0 for the Marginalized. First Monday, 21(6).

Nemer, D. (2016). Online Favela: The Use of Social Media by the Marginalized in Brazil. Information Technology for Development, 23(3). 364-379.

Awarded the 2016 Social Informatics Best Paper runner-up by the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)

Nemer, D. (2016). Celebrities Acting Up: A Speech Analysis in Tweets of Famous People. Social Networking, 5(1). 1-10.

Nemer, D. & Freeman, G. (2015). Empowering the Marginalized: Rethinking Selfies in the Slums of Brazil. International Journal of Communication. 9(2015). 1832–1847.

Nemer, D. (2015). From Digital Divide to Digital Inclusion and Beyond. The Journal of Community Informatics, 11(1).

Nemer, D. & Freeman, G. (2015). Self-Presentation on Facebook and Orkut: A Cross Cultural Study of Brazilians and Indians. Journal of Technologies and Human Usability, 10(2). 1-15.

Parra, C., Nemer, D., Hakken, D., D’Andrea, V. (2015). Deep Trust in the future of Community Informatics. The Journal of Community Informatics. 11(2).

Halabi, A., Sabiescu, A. G., Salomão, D., Vannini, S. & Nemer, D. (2015). From Learning to Designing Action: Aligning Intentionality in Community-Based Research and Design. The Journal of Community Informatics. 11(3).

Nemer, D. (2013). IMPEX: an Approach to Analyze Source Code Changes on Software Run Behavior. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 6(4). 157-167.

Refereed Full Conference Papers (published in proceedings)

Sambasivan, N., Checkley, G., Batool, A., Ahmed, N., Nemer, D., Gaytán-Lugo, L., Matthews, T., Consolvo, S., & Churchill, E. (2019). "They don't leave us alone anywhere we go": Digital Abuse Challenges and Coping Practices among South Asian Women. In the Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Awarded The Best of CHI: Best Paper (Top 1%)

Sambasivan, N., Checkley, G., Batool, A., Ahmed, N., Nemer, D., Gaytán-Lugo, L., Matthews, T., Consolvo, S., & Churchill, E. (2018). "Privacy is not for me, it's for those rich women": Notions and Practices of Privacy on Shared Phones among South Asian Women. In Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2018. Awarded IAPP Distinguished Paper at SOUPS 2018

Dye, M., Nemer, D., Bruckman, A. S., & Kumar, N. (2018). El Paquete Semanal: The Week’s Internet in Havana. In the Proceedings of 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 639). ACM

Dye, M., Nemer, D., Pina, L. R., Sambasivan, N., Bruckman, A. S., & Kumar, N. (2017). Locating the Internet in the Parks of Havana. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3867-3878). ACM.

Awarded The Best of CHI: Honorable Mention (Top 5%)

Vannini, S., Nemer, D., & Rega, I. (2017). Integrating mobile technologies to achieve community development goals: the case of telecenters in Brazil: Full paper. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (pp. 115-124). ACM.

Nemer, D. (2015). Wired Smartphones: Rethinking the role of community technology centers in the mobile Internet era. In Proceedings of SIG Globdev 8th Annual Conference, Fort Worth, TX.

Halabi, A., Sabiescu, A. G., Salomão, D., Vannini, S. & Nemer, D. (2014). From Knowledge to Design Action: Uncovering the Obscure Process of Participatory Community-Based Research.

In Proceedings of CIRN 2014 Community Informatics Conference. Prato, Italy.

Nemer, D., Reed, P. (2013). Can a Community Technology Center be For-Profit? A Case Study of LAN Houses in Brazil. In Proceedings of CIRN 2013 Community Informatics Conference. Prato, Italy.

Refereed Short Conference Papers (published in proceedings)

Nemer, D., Spangler, I., & Dye, M. (2018, October). Airbnb and the Costs of Emotional Labor in Havana, Cuba. In Companion of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (pp. 245-248). ACM.

Newell, B. C., Vannini, S., Gomez, R., & Nemer, D. (2018). Exacerbating the Vulnerabilities of Undocumented Migrants: The Risks Involved in the Humanitarian Information Activities of Migrant-Aid Organizations. iConference 2018 Proceedings.

Nemer, D., & Stratton, C. (2017). Where’s ICT for Latin America? Addressing the Research Gap in ICT4D Literature. HCI Across Borders – HCIxB at 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). Denver, CO. Honorable Mention Award

Nemer, D. (2016). “LAN Houses are for Boys and Telecenters are for Girls:” CTCs as Gendered Spaces. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development (ICTD). ACM. Ann Arbor, MI.

Nemer, D. (2016). Crossing Gender Boundaries: The Case of Technology Centers in Favelas. HCI Across Borders - Development Consortium. HCIxB at 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). San Jose, CA.

Nemer, D., & Freeman, G. (2015). Rethinking Selfies: Empowering the Marginalized Through Self-Portraits. Internet Research 16.0. Phoenix, AZ.

Nemer, D., Gross, S., & True, N. (2013). Materializing Digital Inequalities: The Digital Artifacts of the Marginalized in Brazil. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development (ICTD). ACM. Cape Town, South Africa.

Nemer, D. (2013). Beyond Internet Access: A Study of Social and Cultural Practices in LAN Houses. Internet Research 14.0. Denver, CO.

Nemer, D., Das, A. (2012). Impression Management on Facebook and Orkut: A Cross Cultural Study of Brazilians and Indians. Internet Research 13.0. Salford, England.

Ems, L., Nemer, D., Medina, E. (2012). Twitter as an Interactive Ephemeral Communicative Space. Internet Research 13.0. Salford, England.

Non-Refereed Publications

Nemer, D. (2021). The Human Infrastructure of Fake News in Brazil. Items. Social Science Research Council (SSRC).

Nemer, D. (2020). Desinformação no contexto da pandemia do Coronavírus (COVID-19). AtoZ: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento, 9(2), 113 - 116.

Nemer, D. (2019). Bibliotecas e centros comunitários como espaços para promover a democracia, combater a desinformação e desigualdade. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, 15, 05-18.

Dye, M., Nemer, D., Bruckman, A. S., & Kumar, N. (2019). The human infrastructure of El Paquete, Cuba's offline internet. Interactions.

Sambasivan, N., Checkley, G., Batool, A., Ahmed, N., Nemer, D., Gaytán-Lugo, L., Matthews, T., Consolvo, S., & Churchill, E. (2019). Toward Gender-Equitable Privacy and Security in South Asia. Sociotechnical Security and Privacy.

Rhinesmith, C.,
Nemer, D., & Urbano, C. (2017). Introduction: Special Issue CIRN Prato Conference 2016. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(2).

Conference Presentations

Rosa, P. O., Jobim, A., & Nemer, D. (2021). Governo algorítmico, plataformentalização e a virada digital. 45o Encontro Annual da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais.

Nemer, D. (2021). Technology of the Oppressed: Inequity and the digital mundane in Favelas of Brazil. Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Toronto, CA.

Nemer, D. (2020). Anti-racist Knowledge Production in Appalachia: Curricula and Critical Spaces. 44th Annual Appalachian Studies Conference.

Nemer, D. (2020). The Social Infrastructure of Misinformation that is Radicalizing the Right in Brazil. Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Prague, CZ.

Nemer, D. (2019). Airbnb and the Costs of Emotional Labor in Havana, Cuba. Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). New Orleans, LA.

Nemer, D. (2019). From Open to Closed: How the Brazilian "Internet Constitution" Went From Being a Role Model to a Potential Threat. 69th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Washington, DC.

Nemer, D. (2019). Uncovering Hidden Spaces of Populism in Brazil: The Case of Bolsonaro. Media in Transition 10 (MiT 10). Cambridge, MA.

Nemer, D. (2019). Uncovering Hidden Spaces of Populism in Brazil: The Case of Bolsonaro Supporters in WhatsApp Groups. American Association of Geographers 114th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

Nemer, D. (2017). "LAN houses are for boys and Telecenters are for girls:" CTCs as Gendered Spaces. Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Boston, MA.

Vannini, S., Nemer, D., Halabi, A., Sabiescu, A. G., & Salomão, D. (2016). Critical Incident Analysis: mismatching expectations and reconciling visions in intercultural encounters. In CIRN 2016 Community Informatics Conference. Prato, Italy.

Nemer, D. (2015). Resisting the “alphabet soup”: how the QWERTY keyboard contributes to the digital divide in the slums of Brazil. Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Denver, CO.

Nemer D. (2015). Online Favela: the experience of the favela residents in community technology centers (CTCs). 4th CLACS Graduate Student Conference 2015. Bloomington, IN.

Nemer, D. (2014). Designing Inequalities: The Digital Artifacts of the Favelas in Brazil. The 113th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

Chirumamilla, P., & Nemer, D. (2014) Living in the Broken City: Favelas, Infrastructural Inequity and the Materiality of the Digital. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S). Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Nemer, D. (2014). LAN house Class(ification): Why are Technology Centers only Good for the Brazilian Poor? - Digital Divide Research Preconference at ICA 2014. Seattle, WA.

Miller, P., & Nemer, D. (2013). Bridging the Digital Divide and Promoting Digital Inclusion: An Update Public Access Venues and Projects. NECoPA 2013: “Public Administration in an Information Society: Opportunities, Threats, and Intriguing Possibilities.” Co-organizer and participant of the panel. Boston, MA.

Nemer, D. (2012). Differences Between Facebook and Orkut: a Content Analysis of Indian and Brazilian Users' Profiles. 8th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Nemer, D. (2011). Facebook vs. Orkut: The Battle Over Middle Aged Users in Brazil. 7th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Book Reviews

Nemer, D. (2015). “Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age” by Eubanks, V. (2011). The Journal of Community Informatics, 11(1).

Nemer, D. (2014). “Internet Inquiry: Conversations About Method” by Markham, A. & Baym, N (Eds.)(2008). The Information Society Journal, 30(3), 240-242.

Nemer, D. (2014). “Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City” by Takhteyev, Y. (2012). Technology and Culture, 55(2), 517-518.